Strategy is an important aspect for any organisation; it is the foundation of every solution provided for organisation and it supports the creative direction. Strategy can be defined as an action plan designed to assist in achieving long-term goals of an organisation. A strategy is built from insights that are gathered through extensive research. With research, brands are therefore able to understand the market; how to access it in relevant and effective ways. When a brand understands their market, it is able to strategically position itself and its products to create experiences that will resonate with the consumer.
According to Dos Santos (2016), “strategy; planning; implementation and creativity are all heavily reliant on each other. For without a sound strategy, there is no foundation upon which to execute relevant and resonant creative work. And without inspiring and timeous creative execution, there is no visible or audible manifestation of the strategy beyond the boardroom and into the minds and hearts of consumers.” Therefore, organisations are forced to implement strategic communication, which can be defined as the purposeful use of communication by an organisation to fulfil its mission. Purposeful communication is only achieved when brands are able to gather insights about the consumer and their needs because consumers can relate to brands that answer to those needs, which takes us back to brands being able to build sustainable strategies.
Marketers and creatives have realised the importance of being able to build a sustainable strategy. Going into the New Year, organisations have to understand the importance of being agile and able to quickly respond to the environmental changes around, be it digital trends; consumer behaviours and new forms of communication. Allow us, then, to be your organisations’ strategic partner. We will help your organisation to build sustainable strategies that will answer to the business needs.